I received a seat belt ticket in Orange County NY. I found as of 2010 its a 2 point offense. I called an Attorney who told me he Guarentees it will be dropped to traffic ticket if I hire his office for $495.00 If he doesnt win he forfeits his fee. Here is my question. A friend of mine was explaining to me that if you show up for the court date more then likely you will get it dropped to a parking offense by yourself as a plea deal. I know a few years ago I received a speeding ticket upstate NY and when I went to court the Prosecutor offered to make it an illegal parking ticket with a $150 fine. I of course jumped on this. Is there something special I need to know about the process. I really cant afford to pay a lawyer $495 plus the cost of whatever the ticket is.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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Question on Seat Belt ticketSource: http://www.isitlegalto.com/new-york-law-legal-forum/20397-question-seat-belt-ticket.html
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